Chef Richard Rocha, Bulls Eye Baking Co., Master Chef Program Graduate
Facing a layoff after a decade at Walt Disney Feature Animation, I realized it was now or never to pursue my passion for the culinary arts. I actually took my first class from Chef Eric through a different program before he launched his own business. So impressed with his skills and knowledge, the minute I learned he had opened up Chef Eric’s Culinary Classroom I signed on the dotted line and took his culinary certificate program! It has been 10 years, yet every day I use the tools and experiences from Chef Eric’s Culinary Classroom from creating new recipes, polishing up on old techniques or improvising to impress friend’s and family with my kitchen skills! And now I’ve embarked on a new path where I’ve created Bulls Eye Baking Parchment and will soon be launching baking mixes and On Your Mark, Get Set…Bake it Fun! pre-made pinwheel rolls in Cocoa, Chai and Espresso flavors! Of course, I wouldn’t be on this ‘roll’ if not for the inspirational and very informative Chef Eric’s Culinary Classroom! Congratulations on 10 years and to many, many more!