May 11, 2013-The Day Before Mother's Day In my
May 11, 2013-The Day Before Mother’s Day
In my Master Chef Program, I teach many students what they need to know about working in the Food Service industry. Many of them are changing careers, like I did.
One thing I tell my students is that if you are truly serious about cooking, as I am, then be prepared to work on Weekends. If you are used to having Friday night, all day Saturday and all day Sunday off, that is going to change. Even a special day such as Mother’s Day or New Year’s Eve is a work day in the life of a Chef.
This coming Sunday is no different. For all of those whose Mother’s are still with us, enjoy the day and if you love to cook, do so for her. For my Mom, who has passed, she understood that with the job I have, I must work. She may not have liked it, but she supported me nevertheless.
My current crop of Master Chef Students have made Stocks and have now learned the basic Mother Sauces that are made from them. Veloute and Espagnol. they also made Béchamel and turned that into a classic Cheese Sauce, called Sauce Mornay. That, in turn, became Macaroni and Cheese. I do love Mother Sauce day. Last but not least, every student has to make a Hollandaise Sauce (some make it more than once).
Keep on cooking, everyone! Not only will it please you, but it will also please your Mom!