Chef Eric's Top 5 Holiday Cooking Tips
The Holidays are here and my students call and email me for tips to follow in the kitchen. Here are 5 of my favorite go-to tips to keep in mind when you’re in the kitchen. Don’t forget to subscribe to my Newsletter for great videos and recipes! Happy Holidays!
- Get an Instant Read Digital Thermometer the next time you are at the Classroom or order it online here! This tool is inexpensive and indispensable for gauging the doneness of your Bird or Roast!
- Remember the Bird or Roast you’re cooking continues to cook after you take it out of the oven! Let’s say you are cooking a Prime Rib for Christmas or New Years Eve- if the Roast is 2 pounds it will continue to cook for 10 minutes. Or if it is 10 pounds, it will continue to cook for as much as 30 minutes. So take that into account when planning your total cooking time.
- NOTE – It is really important to let the meat ‘rest’ for that additional ‘cooking time’ after you take it out of the oven so the juices don’t run onto the cutting board and escape the Bird or Roast. This keeps it from getting ‘dry’ and keeps the meat tender.
- If you are roasting a bird like a Turkey or a lean meat like a Pork Roast, be sure to make a brine and soak the bird or roast in the refrigerator for at least 24 hours. This soaking will help keep the meat moist.
- Make dessert the day before your big meal. It will take some of the stress away and allow you to focus on the dinner. Plus, any cake or pie you make will be happy to sit on your counter for 24 hours- if you can keep your family away from it. Just keep it covered!
- Keep your knives sharp! The next time you are at the Classroom you can get a great inexpensive knife sharpener that I endorse – or you can order it online here! I even have a video on YouTube on how to use it- you can view it here! Contrary to what many believe, a dull knife will cut you more frequently than a sharp one!